

Aura Noir - Wretched Face Of Evil
Aura Noir - Eternally Your Shadow
Aura Noir - Hell's Fire
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Bulldozer - Misogynist
Burzum - My Journey to the Stars
Darkthrone- Too Old Too Cold
Dakthrone - Rased On Rock
Darkthrone - Hedninger Fra Helvete
Disiplin - Kosmos Reversum
Enslaved - Havenless
Enslaved - Cosmic Keys To My Creations & Times
Gehenna - Angelwings and Ravenclaws
Gorgoroth - Ritual
Gorgoroth - Guldrelokk
Hate Forest - Inmost Winter
Hellhammer- Eurynomos
Isengard - The Fog
Leviathan - The Remotest Cipher
Marduk - The Black
Pentagram - Sign Of the wolf
Ragnarok- Angel Corpse
Satyricon - Filthgrinder
Slavia - Moriturii te salutant
Slayer - Necrophiliac
Slayer - Angel of Death
Slayer - Raining Blood
Sodom - Witching metal
Sodom - Defloration
Taake - Umenneske
Trelldom - Taake
Ulver - Ind I Fieldkamrene
Venom - Black Metal
Venom - Parasite
Wolves In The Throne Room - Hands Pull You Through Purple

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